
All that matters is that you were there and you were standing.

Welcome, you can call me C.

Perhaps it doesn’t mean much to anyone but the person who experiences it, namely me, but this blog is a collection of photos of my feet. I’m based in North Carolina, and traverse the state more than an average person probably does – we have everything here, after all, mountains, lakes, hills, seas, and flatlands. An avid interest in history and theatre keeps me traveling, though, so you can never be sure where these feet may end up.

Why feet, you ask?

I never thought about it much, not really. The more I do, though, the more ways I’ve realized it’s a bit of a challenge, getting an interesting photo. It doesn’t always work out, of course, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying.

Taking photos of my feet, though – it’s something I’ve been doing since at least high school, maybe before. Always, I’ve wanted to be an unobtrusive photographer. Candids. Unseen. Maybe it’s just because I’d rather not draw attention to myself. So, often, I’ve dropped my eye, and my camera, too. And, as a result, photos of my feet are commonplace in my photo albums.

Why not do something with them, you say.

Well, here, I am, I say.

New photos are taken with an iPhone 6. Older photos, who can say? (An iPhone 4, or any number of other cameras that might’ve passed through my hands.)

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